an office for a cow

"an office for a cow"
creation and dilution
the arbitrary solution
with dollar signs and citizens
let's all build the funeral pyre
will a phoenix rise from the Bush
and begin anew with nature's rush?
can we find an Atlas in burning brooks,
oil-slicked beaches and empty crooks?
can we build diseases for remedies?
prosthetic legs for broken knees?
can we hire killers to fix the poor
and rewrite history we should ignore?
can we give until the rich are sore
or take until there are no poor?
can we make smiling, burning new inventions
smarter bombs with good intentions
and talking monkeys waging war
to get us where we were before
where peace is seldom, thank the Lord
and Love, more than we can afford
i think i thought that yesterday
i heard my television say
"Don't worry about all that today.
It doesn't affect you anyway."
March 16, 2004
Copyright J.S. LeBoeuf 2004
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